It does by considering the following factors:
is more than 300 characters long. Encourages maintainer to write a proper README
.(30 - days) / 5
) for bundles with commits in the past 30 days. Active bundles get more points, but not much to avoid spoiling stable bundles.For more details on the items above please refer to the remaining answers.
Along the months or years now it has been realized that tuning and coming with the right metrics for the Symfony2 bundle ecosystem is not an easy thing.
The metrics and its threshold values are evolving with the feedback of users and daily monitoring experience. Remember each day metrics change so they are dynamic, sometimes we have to wait for the numbers to show up, sometimes we have misunderstood the metric. Metrics are defined to display preference and usage so you can take a well informed decision. Of course this should be just one metric to ponder among others.
Currently a bundle is considered trendy at a given time if the change in its score becomes greater than 25 points between consecutive inspections.
Our system currently is monitoring bundles more than once a day, and scores could be updated even withing few hours.
There will be no points awarded for failed travis builds.